Saturday, March 19, 2016

I met him in the library

I met him in the library,
Among lofty shelves,
Stacked with books,
Inside narrow corridors,
Dimmed beneath pale lights,

I met him in the library,
He sat across from me,
Only a worn-out table,
Covered with pen scuffs,
Separated between us

Soft thud of books closed,
Pens chafing wood,
Pages flipped soft as butterflies
Voices of those who were there 
Before us, swelling in the air,

No green grass or the sparkle
Of blue water, under glorious shine
With puffy clouds drifting by,
Just specks of dust dancing,
In a tired ray of sun

I met him in the library,
Among lofty high shelves, with
Dusty books spilling over,
Worn out faded tables,
And the whiff of what can be

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