Saturday, March 19, 2016


My childhood room,
A desk and a bed under the window
My boxed in space,
Walls shared with strangers,
Their voices I hear at night
Whispering next to my bed
Faceless but strangely known

Stone staircase,
 To our third floor apartment
I hold my breath and run all the way,
 Up to my secret place,
Flat roof overlooking the town
Countless street Cats, of all colors
Down below me fields with wild flowers,

Water tanks,
Lined along the roof edge
Legs up, I peek into them one by one
Enchanted by the overturn world
I explore the murky water,
Like a fortune teller I search
 The ever changing rust formations, for signs
Maybe it will be a house on the water edge
Rooms inside rooms, towering ceilings
Only the pulsating thud of the waves
 Will shatter the unbreakable silence
Water everywhere,
Filling up the windows with pastels of
Blues and grays, offsetting the pallid light

I will untie the ropes of my boat
Rocking gently in the incoming tide
Dip my oars into the eddy,
The island, only a faint line in the fog
Slowly shaping into a splash of green
I can see it nearing,
My home on the rocks waiting

Legs up, my head in the water tanks
Sky reflections, hues of blues and grays,
Draw circular spheres, in the muddy water
My sight at the future,I am certain,
Is hiding in the odd shapes of rust
That I will never be able to decipher

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